For his portfolio of modular cameras, our customer needed a PCB for a special application, which combines many functions. It contains a Blackfin DSP (Digital Signal Processor), SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory), flash memory and a camera interface. In addition, the board has an EtherCAT and an Ethernet interface and various serial and proprietary connections. Three PoL (point-of-load) DC/DC converters were implemented to supply power to the module itself and to the external systems, including to the analog systems of the camera. The circuit should be available as a prototype within a few weeks.
We were able to accommodate all the required functions and the necessary connectors in the given space, so that the customer received a fully functioning computer board within a very short time. Thus his end customer could quickly start with the integration of the hardware and especially the signal processing software into his own system.
The project included the creation of schematics for a fast DSP and its memory and peripherals including the EtherCAT Real-Time Ethernet. The layout considered the requirements of EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) and SI (Signal Integrity) on a multilayer HDI (High Density Interconnect) board with blind vias (microvias) and buried vias. It was automatically routed with the autorouter except for a few critical lines.
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