Robust, Distributed System for Building Automation
A home automation applications allows to control several actor nodes (light, doors, transportation...) based on identification by RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification). Several identification and actor nodes are connected via a LAN (Local Area Network). So according to the identified users wishes, complex scenarios can be performed.
The configuration of the overall system including authorization and the scenarios triggered by the different users is done via Internet (e.g. cellular network) using a web browser, which in addition allows maintenance, diagnosis and firmware updates.
For the customer Solcept developed the complete solution from specification through architecture, implementation and test, all software from one source.
Development of a robust IoT (Internet of Things) system with distributed database, BIST (Built-In-Self-Test) and plug-and-play installation (auto-configuration of the nodes) and a multilingual, graphical user interface. It is implemented according to the MVC (Model-View-Control) pattern, the application and the server run on a uCLinux system.
Because of the limited resources of the hardware (no MMU (Memory Mangement Unit), uCLinux with U-Boot as bootloader were used. The application was implemented in C++ using STL and XMLRPC/ XML for communication. For the graphical user interface we used an embedded Webserver and ClearSilver.